Angelo & Co Hair Stylists en Williston Park

Estados UnidosAngelo & Co Hair Stylists


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367, Hillside Avenue, 11596, Williston Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-742-0460
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7538186, Longitude: -73.6541309

comentarios 5

  • en

    Christine K


    Really like this salon. Have been going to Cory for many years. She's thorough and talented.

  • en

    Kathleen Meyer


    Great service! Always get a great cut and color. Maria did my wedding hair - awesome!

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    John Pospisil


  • Nicky Zaheera

    Nicky Zaheera


    The place is decently decor-ed and clean. But, I do not think the lady did a good job cutting my hair. I showed her a picture of a haircut I had gotten before with bangs- she ended up cutting my bangs too thin and it is on the OPPOSITE side of where I wanted it. Now it looks and feels awkward, especially when I wash it. Also, I called and told them I needed a cut and blow dry. When it was time to pay - the guy lied and said they only heard blow dry - meanwhile the lady had REPEATED what I had said on the phone. (I speak clearly and I speak English - so there really is no excuse). He upped the price $10. He also got rude and defensive. Not the best service. They don't listen to what you want - they can be really bitchy. And I currently have to go elsewhere to get my hair re styled and my bangs DECENTLY cut.

  • Jennifer Aguayo

    Jennifer Aguayo


    Being new to the area I went for a cut (trim, layers, and angles) and blow out. I’ve been going back since then and every time I go, everyone does such a great job. On top of the great service, everyone is incredibly friendly.

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