Angel Tips Nail Spa en East Rutherford

Estados UnidosAngel Tips Nail Spa



🕗 horarios

79, New Jersey 17, 07073, East Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-933-5550
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8307251, Longitude: -74.0932049

comentarios 5




    OVERPRICED! Its close to my house so Id like to go there BUT the prices are ridiculous. 10 dollars for a cut down and 20 dollars to take off tips and 50 dollars for a gel fill so 80$$$ plus tip apparently. So I kindly left after hearing the cost. WOW I highly recommend Pretty Nails and Spa in Parsippany. Its the BEST, fastest place & extremely clean and friendly. Even tho its a drive I will do it for them :)

  • en

    Annette Saslow


    My go to nail salon. I've been a customer for a couple of years.

  • en

    Jacqueline E


    Exceptionally clean. Relaxing and comfortable ambiance. Friendly staff

  • Maria Frometa

    Maria Frometa


    The manager confronted me about my review in front of the cuatomers and employees, what kind of people does this? Very unprofessional, but i was the better person and didnt argue back as she kept doing and left. She tried to make a story thats NOT what happened. Also they made me feel very uncomfortable, especially trying to say they dont soak little girls nails because they dont have anyrhing to cut, which is fine! BUT if you are charging full price then I expect FULL SERVICE. I wouldnt come here to lie especially after coming to this place for more than 10 years. Shame of them!!!

  • traci hallahan

    traci hallahan


    Okay ladies.... There is no other Salon better than Angel Tips. EVERYONE here knows how to do nails... I have NEVER been disappointed with the service . It is a little more expensive than other salons in the area but you can bet on not having a bad experience and as far as nail art goes... They are fantastic and WELL WORTH the price.

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