Amish Market i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAmish Market



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731, 9th Avenue, 10019, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-245-2360
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7633251, Longitude: -73.9894255

kommentar 5

  • Rémy Grignon

    Rémy Grignon


    Lots of choice for a Midtown supermarket. Nice cashiers. Big caveats though is that the products are insanely overpriced.

  • es

    Juan Jose Cicero


    Gran surtido y muy buena calidad de mercadería. Recomendable la variedad de frutas y verduras. Buena selección de quesos, fiambres y encurtidos. Un lugar limpio y ordenado

  • John McKinney

    John McKinney


    We love this grocery. The staff is always hustling, but never too busy to offer assistance. The staff has improved over the past couple of years. Smaller grocery but they have great products. And on the pricier side but for quality.

  • Jared Jones

    Jared Jones


    The thing that is very disappointing here is that they have a wide selection of cheese but do not buy any! It always tastes terrible. No matter what kind you get they all have a same disgusting and distinct taste. Maybe the cheese sits out until it starts to go bad before they refrigerate it or it’s been frozen, thawed out then put on display under inadequate cooling. STAY AWAY FROM THEIR CHEESE. Otherwise Good selection of produce and ingredients for cooking, great buffet and deli. Everything is overpriced but it’s to be expected in the neighborhood.

  • Andrea Barceló

    Andrea Barceló


    Definitely a place to go. Great place with high quality at decent prices (for NY) We found it by chance, and were greatly surprised. The price is slightly lower than the other local supermarkets, and the quality significantly higher. Moreover... They are nice!

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