A.Mina Fine Clothier and Tailors i Indianapolis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterA.Mina Fine Clothier and Tailors



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111, Monument Circle, 46204, Indianapolis, Marion County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 317-631-2702
internet side: www.minaclothier.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.768934, Longitude: -86.157147

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steve Brown


    Almost every suit I own is from A. Mina Men's Wear. The fit is perfect and the price is outstanding for the quality. I also love the long sleeve casual dress shirts. A perfect fit. Excellent personal service! Thank you.

  • en

    Michael Lee


    Thank you for taking on my alterations during the busy holiday season.

  • Hilary Allman

    Hilary Allman


    We used A. Mina for our wedding in Indianapolis. They were super great and easy to work with and really brought my husband's vision for tuxes to life. The tuxes even came in early, so the guys were able to pick them up starting Wednesday before the wedding. My only piece of feedback is that the location can be tricky as it's on the Circle, but if you don't mind paying for parking, it's a quality place to get formalwear for men.

  • Steve Goforth

    Steve Goforth


    Anthony and Stephanie did a great job on our wedding order. My groomsmen and I had the sharpest french blue suits. They turned out perfect! They are the easiest people to work with. If you're looking to get a suit, or a set of suits, get them local from A.Mina. He will make sure if looks right on you. Our suits fit perfectly. They will take care of you.

  • John Starneri

    John Starneri


    Awesome! If you need a new suit I would highly recommend A. Mina. Recently bought a new suit and can't say enough good things. The personal service, value and quality are second to none! I will definitely be going there in the future for all of my fine clothing needs.

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