America's Best Contacts & Eyeglasses i Denver

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2780, South Colorado Boulevard, 80222, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-256-6820
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Latitude: 39.6659381, Longitude: -104.9385094

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Secord

    Alexandra Secord


    I had a great experience and Rae took extra time with me explaining everything in layman's terms. I've had vision problems for 20 years and no one made it make sense until I talked to her. Amazing service!

  • Mary Boyd

    Mary Boyd


    Customer service was awesome! Rae was very knowledgeable, she had answers for all of my questions! The entire staff was very friendly. I would definitely recommend this store to anyone. Well, we got our glasses today and I'm not very happy! I ordered clear vision and sunglasses as did Bob, I wanted a brown tint and he wanted gray, I got gray and he got brown. We had them mailed to us since we don't live in Denver, now we have to go back to get them fixed. Not sure my prescription is right either. HELP!!! UGH!!!

  • Phyllis Morgart

    Phyllis Morgart


    I got my eyeglasses 2 pair on my birthday October 23rd. Over 2 months I tried to get used to the left I not being as strong As what I'm used to. I remembered the doctor said the lenses for checking my eyes were fogging up especially the left eye was not wiped off on the device. So I called back mid January to have my left I rechecked. There was a different doctor and he determined that my left I could have been better focused. I was very happy when they replace the lens at no charge and corrected the situation. Great customer service!

  • en

    Cecil Cathey


    I bought a pair of glasses and a pair of sunglasses about two months ago. The staff was nice, but I was annoyed by the sales lady pushing the insurance and warranties. She wouldn't take no for an answer, and I almost walked out. Wish I did walk out. Now I know why they push so hard for you to buy insurance. The frames I purchased are cheap and fragile. Within the first week, the glasses fell apart with both lenses coming out. I was able to put it back together with a scewdriver, but every week, I have to tighten the screws to keep the glasses from falling apart again. Last night, I dropped my sunglasses from a three foot height onto a carpeted floor, and they broke into three pieces. I took them back and was rightfully told that the sunglasses are destroyed and that I should have bought the insurance. Just a note; the glasses and sunglasses I had before lasted over 10 years without breaking, or falling apart. It's better if you pay a little more and get quality, than going here and wasting your money on cheap and fragile frames. It really hurts me financially, to have to pay for another pair of sunglasses. So for these reasons, I do not recommend this place.

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    Julie Morris


    I liked this location because the staff was friendly. I told them what I needed, they didn't try to sell me something I couldn't afford. They understood I needed to replace my scratched glasses. They gave me information about what I could purchase in the future, when my budget was larger. The only reason I didn't give them five stars is because it took me a few minutes to find the suite. The few extra minutes were worth it for the great customer service I received. Keep up the good work! Thanks Diane for helping me pick out my frames.

nærmeste Butik

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