AmericanAirlines Arena i Miami

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAmericanAirlines Arena


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601, Biscayne Blvd, 33132, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 786-777-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.7814014, Longitude: -80.186969

kommentar 5

  • James Barnes

    James Barnes


    Large basketball arena where the Miami heat play. Still in very nice condition. When you go to park, park further from the stadium (under the bridge) to get much cheaper parking, as right near the stadium is $40. You can go to the after show which is filmed right outside on the second level.

  • en

    Jocelyn Fulton


    I haven't attended an event at the AAA in a while, but it is really a nice arena. The layout is great and I dont think there is a bad seat in the house. We saw Disney On Ice and had a wonderful time!

  • Shayne Izunobi

    Shayne Izunobi


    Was here to see The Killers. Traffic was difficult, but police were guiding things along. Parking inside the structure was affordable and convenient. Seats were easy to access, were comfortable, and had a good view. I only wish their speaker tuning was better.

  • en

    Natalie Tarazona


    Went for the Miami Bash and A few weeks prior to this to the Nicki Jam concert. Parking and traffic around here as you can imagine is horrible but they had cops directing traffic and helping it run smoother. The attendants in the building and parking garage where very nice and helpful even one attendant ran and directed us to park in another location so that when we leave we would be near the exit. At the end of the concert we were truly thankful for that.




    I went here for a basketball game. I haven't been to the American Airlines Arena for a long time. The last time I was there it was to see LeBron James play. I was impressed with all the renovations and new restaurants and graffiti on the wall. The selection of food was awesome. They have Sergio restaurant there which I love. So go ahead and enjoy a nice Heat game with his great team the Miami Heat.

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