American Van Equipment w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneAmerican Van Equipment



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700, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 800-760-2799
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7250871, Longitude: -73.4248825

komentarze 5

  • en

    G m


    setup my new van perfectly and they suggested changes to maximize space on the spot. they sent me pics of the setup in the actual van before securing into place just to make sure it was right. Frank and Patrick did a great job all around.

  • en

    Fred Huxtable


    Very Happy , Frank was knowledgeable & help us configure our shelving according to our needs. Installation was accommodating and speedy. I would highly recommend them!

  • Christian Haerter

    Christian Haerter


    These guys have a nice showroom where you are able to view the products that are available and then choose exactly what is going to work for your particular business. One reviewer gave a 1 star rating and then complained that they installed something in the wrong place on his van??? They make up a detailed drawing of exactly where everything is going to go, offer advice as to what might work better, discuss the plan more than once, and then have you sign off on the layout before they even start the installation. If something ended up in the wrong spot maybe they weren't to blame?? The employees were all polite, knowledgeable about the products, and took the time to make sure you get what you need. Pricing was competitive with other vendors and the installation was done quickly. We had two vans done here in early December of 17 and could not be happier with the job. Thank you to Frank and the other employees for making the process painless.

  • en

    Al Depace


    Fast and reliable,Work is done cleanly from top to bottom.If you have a truck or van bring it on down.

  • en

    Christian Cordiner


    good products but the guys a extremely simple minded. they did a whole set up for a van and then put some items in spots where they were unable to be used. two different times! which as a customer's is horrible since we still have to pay for it...

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