Amel's Restaurant w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneAmel's Restaurant



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437, McNeilly Road, 15226, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-563-3466
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Latitude: 40.3830717, Longitude: -80.01561

komentarze 5

  • Jesse guy

    Jesse guy


    Great food and the menu is very big with many options. Had a great dinner with my wife. We will return very soon

  • Eric Ober

    Eric Ober


    Amel's Restaurant is a solid Middle Eastern restaurant with a good selection of food from around the Mediterranean. My wife and I typically visit Amel's about once each year. We have enjoyed just about everything we have ever tried. On caution, however, and this is why I'm only giving it four stars, the kebabs are often dry and over cooked, so steer clear of them. Otherwise, it is a solid restaurant.

  • Ahjot Wong

    Ahjot Wong


    Amel's has great food and great service with generous portion! The ambience is very elegant. There are a few memorable photos of family members through the 5 decades of the three-generation from the same family who operated the restaurant. Jimmy, a very gregarious chef, even has his own designed dish with a very tasty tender lamb plater. The server, Beth, is ever courteous and efficient in making sure our food is served and our drinks are topped up as we dine away. Overall, it was a great experience for me and my family.

  • en

    Hugo DeMarco


    Had an amazing experience here last night. Friends have been telling me about how good the food is here and I'm very happy I finally made it in. The lamb kabobs are delectable! That salads are fresh. And the baklava ice cream is to die for. Plus the staff is really friendly. Im looking forward to coming back!

  • en

    Christopher Sommer


    Though they're not required, we made reservations. Good thing, because Saturday evenings are quite busy here! This was the first visit for my girlfriend and me, and we weren't at all disappointed. We were seated quickly, our server was busy yet friendly, and our food came hot and delicious in a short time. A little less salt would be preferred, but otherwise a great experience. Not inexpensive, but certainly worth the visit.

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