AMC Arizona Center 24 i Phoenix

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAMC Arizona Center 24


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565, North 3rd Street, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-307-5371
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Latitude: 33.4538213, Longitude: -112.0694342

kommentar 5

  • en

    nichole holmes


    Great price. Easy kiosk for ticket purchase. Nice employees. Theatres not cleaned from day before. Was 1st movie of day and looked like a party aftermath. 😕

  • Annaletta & Arianna Smith/Curley

    Annaletta & Arianna Smith/Curley


    The theater is huge. I felt the screen was way to big. It felt like I was a bit too up close, even though I was sitting in the middle of the theater. The soda area was very messy & sticky. You can't get ice, only refill your soda. The time to get my snacks was ridiculous. I waited way to long for it even though there was no one in line.

  • Keith Piskur

    Keith Piskur


    Dirty and old. In much need for renovations/upgrades. They have the same line to buy tickets and concessions so it was a complete loss to try and get the free popcorn we had available. Theater we were in had a sconce light falling off the wall and dirt/burn make above them. No distortion in the image or audio even though it was a bit quiet for an opening night avengers film. I won't come back without seeing some major overhauling.

  • John Nez

    John Nez


    Find a better place to watch a movie. This was one of the dirtiest movie theaters I've ever been to. They displayed popcorn bucket for purchase but did not actually have them. Their ice machines weren't working so they had to serve ice from behind the counter. One soda machine was completely out of soda so only 3 were operational. Popcorn tasted stale. Floors were filthy and counter tops were disgusting!! This entire establishment needs to be shut down for a complete "Cleaning Overhaul!" Only reason I gave it 2 stars were because movie prices were cheaper then other places and they had self serve soda machine so you don't have to wait in line for refills.

  • Ariana Love

    Ariana Love


    I do enjoy the location, it's very clean, spacious and the service is nice. BUT unless you're walking here to my knowledge you have to pay for parking. I would highly prefer a close and accessible public parking area before you already are paying for the movie. And if there is indeed a parking area I didn't see I feel there should be better signage because I didn't see it. There is also a lot of construction going on that has been going on for months. So if you're rushing to a movie the obstacles of all the construction makes it seem like a huge rask to get inside.

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