Amarachi w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAmarachi



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189, Bridge Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.6980615, Longitude: -73.9846285

komentarze 5

  • en

    Myoho Sistah


    I ordered a stout the waitress billed me for it never gave it to me. When I asked she said they were out of stout so I asked to have it taken off my bill. She took it off. The food was excellent As well as the drinks.

  • Danielle De Merieux

    Danielle De Merieux


    Friday night DJ is great. Food is yummy and well priced Nigerian - Caribbean fare. Lively environment nice for hanging out with friends. Best Nigerian restaurant I've been to in the U. S.

  • en

    Antonietta Wilson-Matthew


    Delicious food, great drinks - wonderful vibe! I am biased, this restaurant is like home. Food is always delicious, One e had almost everything on the menu and still have my favorites: oxtail, salmon, curry chicken! Food is always delivered hot and attractively plated. Drinks are delicious and there are many to choose from. Staff is friendly and professional. And, more often then not the owners are in house and are so very welcoming. Make this a regular place to eat, sip or even watch a game. Great for game night, date night, hanging with the girls or fellas!

  • Samiyyah Price

    Samiyyah Price


    Amazing food & amazing service. My first time coming here was just for drinks. Now I've been here a countless number of times and have always enjoyed myself. The food is always delicious and the drinks are really good too. There's always music playing and it's an overall awesome vibe.

  • en

    Karen Perry


    We went in for lunch at 12p to try this place out. The owner sat us and our server was the sweetest young lady. She recommended the salmon which was amazing. We also had the short ribs and they were also amazing. We had received our food and drinks and received our bill by 1pm. They also provide parking discounts.

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