AlMar in New York

Vereinigte StaatenAlMar



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111, Front Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-855-5288
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7026637, Longitude: -73.9891745

kommentare 5

  • en

    Matthew Spry


    The first place we drank as a married couple. Thanks for letting us in at such an early hour!!! We owe you one

  • Michelle H.

    Michelle H.


    Amazing Brunch! We had the Egg in the cloud and The Almar and both were excellent! (pictured below) Topped it off with a mimosa and it is a brunch that I would defiantly have twice! Great atmosphere. The waiter could have been a little more attentive as she only came to check once we had finished our food and drinks. But the quality of the food was 👌🏽! Must try if in the area.

  • Vienna Lewin

    Vienna Lewin


    Be aware it is a cash-only restaurant, but the Italian dishes are among the best in NYC. The cozy atmosphere is delightful, and management welcoming and attentive. Every dish was lovingly prepared and tasted delicious!

  • Stephen Scammell

    Stephen Scammell


    Had a great breakfast here. It was just the right size and very tasty. It's a great location and the interior is suitably industrial. Looks like a good place for dinner as well.

  • Alex L.

    Alex L.


    11.3.17 - I had a hankering for pasta and we chose Al Mar because it was new and we wanted to explore. Generally, the service is great and attentive. The food quality is good, too, albeit, I wish the portions were just a little bit extra. However, in all fairness, I was starving so it's possible my body wanted more, but we had a second dinner at Shake Shack to satisfy the lingering hunger. The space is fun with a projector showing old movies. There are communal tables and a lot of children and families, which creates a genuine feel of a community spot.

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