Allwood Theater i Clifton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAllwood Theater


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96, Market Street, 07012, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-778-9774
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Latitude: 40.8458498, Longitude: -74.1620769

kommentar 5

  • Maria Rodriguez

    Maria Rodriguez


    Me gustó mucho, su estilo es único y tranquilo.

  • Amanda Golderer

    Amanda Golderer


    Came to see Rampage in theatre 5 for $5 Tuesdays. I LOVE this place as other homegrown, non-branded theatres have gone out of business. But when it comes to the quality of this particular theatre has gone downhill REAL quick. The leather "reclining" seats don't work, we discovered the wires have actually been cut! The leather on some seats has been torn and covered with separate pieces of leather, but just laid on top of! In search or suitable seats, my boyfriend wearing tightly tied construction boots, nearly had them RIPPED OFF BY THE STICKY FLOOR! I will be searching for a new, better maintaibed theatre to spend my money at. I'm sorry, I love this place, but after being a loyal customer of over 5 years, I think it's finally time to move on. 😢💔 UPDATE: (This is what I emailed the theatre the next morning) I wrote you a review on Google. I strongly advise you read it as I don't want to rewrite it all here. All I have to add about theatre 5 last night is the audacity you had to put all of the speakers is the front of the theatre and turn the volume to 11. I truly wanted to watch Rampage but I had to step out several times as the sound was exceedingly loud and my head was still pounding and ears ringing afterwords. And the eye promo as the first thing that comes on the screen after minutes of complete silence? I fear for your lawyer if any clientele has heart problems or PTSD. Shame on you....

  • es

    Jose Quispe


    Muy deteriorado, muy poco aseado

  • Lake Carter

    Lake Carter


    Worst experience ever, the manager who foreknew the theatre rooms had no heat still took our money at full price and would offer no refund.multiple seats were broken & taped with green tape. And the lighting horrible, you should able be to see a pathway to the seat but it was pitch black. I ran into a black pole looking for my spouse that headed into the theatre before me. I would not recommend this theatre to my worst enemy.very outdated and needs to be shutdown!

  • en

    gpav pionav


    Don't waste you time or money. Watching a movie with my 6 yr old and this place is sad. My theatre has no heating (it's a week from January) paid $29 for an adult and child ticket, plus small beverage and Skittles-going to register to see if this is right. The leather recliner seats are smelly and the theatre is dirty. The speakers which are supposed to be surround, are placed unprofessionally right in front of screen.

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