Allstate Insurance Agent: Ricardo Mercado w North Merrick

Stany ZjednoczoneAllstate Insurance Agent: Ricardo Mercado



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1393, Jerusalem Avenue, 11566, North Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-385-5900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6936963, Longitude: -73.5683779

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dennis Lindo


    Ricardo and staff great work with you to get best rate for auto and home thanks

  • en



    Awesome and amazing services. Very professional and attentive. They were the only one able to get us coverage near the water. :-) Ricardo and his staff will not disappoint. Thanks again

  • en

    William Pagan


    Absolutely terrible service. I've had one issue after another between billing and misguidance regarding my policies. When they do not know how to resolve an issue they just don't reply or return calls. I should never have trusted this agent's office after they misled me when I changed auto policies. My mistake was thinking I could leave my homeowners and motorcycle policies with them. I received the bill for renewal of my homeowners policy which was raised significantly because my auto policies had been moved. Then came the renewal of my motorcycle policy which also was raised (no claims on either policy). I paid the premium for the motorcycle policy renewal then decided to search for another vendor. Not only is Allstate telling me they are keeping the premium I paid for the month, but also that they are charging me again for the 6 days that the policy was in effect. It has taken me 3 weeks to get someone to tell me that Allstate reserves the right to keep or charge an additional fee for canceled motorcycle policies in New York. Of course in the many attempts I made to contact my agent, his office could not explain to me why I was being charged the additional fee. It's like being mugged without a weapon! And by the way, if I refuse to pay the additional premium, they will put it in for collections. Lesson learned, I would never recommend this agent or Allstate to anyone. Insurance industry is corrupt in every sense of the word!!! If I could give zero stars I would have!

  • Jonathan Cantarero

    Jonathan Cantarero


    “ Ricardo is an exceptional all-state agent. He is funny, courteous, and knowledgeable, and took the time to address all our questions. He was also able to reduce our car insurance payments significantly when we switched from another provider. ”

  • en

    David Rodriguez


    Ricardo's office has not only shown a level of professionalism second to none, but also a caring heart to the need of the customer. From the moment you walk in to the office, to the moment he is explaining what coverages benefit you, you can tell he has the customer's interest at heart. I highly recommend him and will look to him for any future insurance needs.

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