Allstate Insurance Agent: Paul J Dellauniversita i North Babylon

Forenede StaterAllstate Insurance Agent: Paul J Dellauniversita



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1350, Deer Park Avenue, 11703, North Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-983-3737
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7426644, Longitude: -73.3223945

kommentar 5

  • Stuart Zimmer

    Stuart Zimmer


    My experience with the Paul Della Agency is primarily limited to my interaction with Daniel Yonelunas. That contact has been very positive and he never fails to go out of his way to be helpful. In addition, he always tries to find me the lowest possible Allstate premium on all of my policies. A great insurance agent who is truly a caring and concerned person.

  • Jack Zinn

    Jack Zinn


    As a very long-time customer of my old insurance company, I was somewhat reluctant to switch. They took care of everything and made it pretty painless, saving me close to a thousand dollars a year on insurance, too. Since then, they call periodically to make sure that we are "in good hands" and have no changes to our needs. Overall, I've been very impressed.

  • Steven Rivera

    Steven Rivera


  • en

    Tara Jolly


    Love this agency!

  • Frank Jimenez

    Frank Jimenez


    Paul is a great agent who invests in his business to provide his customers with an amazing experience.

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