Allstate Insurance Agent: Michael A Weiss en Glen Cove

Estados UnidosAllstate Insurance Agent: Michael A Weiss



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86, Forest Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-671-4500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8724735, Longitude: -73.6229529

comentarios 3

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    paul rollins


    Stay clear of this con artist!!!! He will rob you blind with a smile on his face. Mr Weiss is a slick talking, deceptive gentleman that will do and say anything to get you into the office. Once there you will be given a deal that sounds good initially but somehow when the bill arrives it will be exponentially higher than the signed contract. I took out a yearly automobile liability policy for roughly 1800 for the year. I got my first bill in the mail which indicated that premium was almost 9000 and 4500 had to be paid within two weeks. Mr Weiss initially said I had to pay the amount in full or cancel my insurance. After calling the parent company and complaining he found several lies to feed me regarding the astronomical markup. Every month the price would be a little lower but never the agreed upon price. At one point I was without any care insurance for 2 weeks. He had my policy cancelled because I didn't pay the ridiculous markup he suggested within a week. The final price was a thousand dollars over the initially agreed upon price. After unsuccessful doing the back and forth with Mr Weiss and Allstate I decided to reach out to consumer affairs. I am assuming he was finally contacted about his shady business practices because during my recent trip to the office to pay my monthly bill which I've been doing for over 6 months Mr Weiss ran out of the office and became very aggressive and belligerent, going as far as to suggest that he will call the cops to have me removed from his property. Not sure what could have sparked this outrage but again, why would an honest broker have such a visceral response? What broker or owner will weaponize his position while attempting to demonize a patron for wanting to be treated fairly? Word of advise to the unsuspecting patron- STAY CLEAR OR HE WILL ROB YOU BLIND. If no stars were an option he would get that.

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    Laura Ann


    Michael Weiss is the reason not to recommend Allstate to any of my family and friends. He cares about his commission and not the customer’s interests. His advise on cancelling a policy we owned was wrong and misleading. He tried to stall so he wouldn’t have to give us a refund before the policy term was up. His tone became rude and obnoxious when he realized we were taking our business elsewhere. Don’t trust Mr. Weiss with your personal insurance needs or financial services. LOOK ELSEWHERE.

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    John Michaels


    Don't fall victim to this dishonest agent! Nothing but trouble and lies come from this agency. He blatantly lied to me and to Allstate costing me thousands of dollars. Your insurance agent is someone you should be able to rely on and turn to for advice. Michael Weiss is not that person! The more his name is mentioned around town, the more horror stories are uncovered. DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE DEALING WITH THIS AGENT!!!! I have heard of so many stories of people learning the hard way and pulling their policies from him, often after it's too late and they lost big $$$. In short, Michael A. Weiss is not someone who can be trusted, especially with something so important as your insurance. CUSTOMER REPLY: Mr. Weiss, thank you for your offer to call your office. I had done that. You were rude, disrespectful and offered no resolution. I wish to have no further dealings or conversations with you. I hope others come to find out the truth about you before they too become victims of your dishonesty.

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