Allstate Insurance Agent: Matthew Franchino i New City

Forenede StaterAllstate Insurance Agent: Matthew Franchino



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383, South Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-634-2499
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.1341204, Longitude: -73.9917043

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margaret Desimone


    I am happy with the service I receive from Franchino Alstate Insurance.

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    Sandi Turnipseed


    Have used AllState since November 2014, low rates for Home & Car insurance compared to competitors. Friendly, knowledgeable and professional phone representatives. Will continue to use AllState’s services.

  • en

    John Intonato


    I've been with the Franchino Family for many years. I stopped driving for 4 years due to illness. I'm back driving now and they welcomed me back with open arms and make sure they give me exactly what I need in a policy. I recommend anyone who wants to be treated right, join the Franchino Allstate Insurance. 3/20/18 Agatha is extremely helpful and goes out of her way to get you the best policy and is there when you need anything else.

  • Robert Chorney

    Robert Chorney


    I have been using the Franchino agency for over 20 years. They are knowledgeable and EXTREMELY helpful - especially when you need them most (during a claim). I would recommend without reservation.

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    Michael Leonakis


    I got to tell you. I been to quite a few Allstate offices over the years. I got to tell you these guys stand above the rest! I been dealing with Mat and Kevin for about 7 years now. I can tell you a few things about them. They always take time to meet with you and really give great personal service. It doesn't matter how busy they are they always seem to make time for you as a customer. I can tell you that Matt and Kevin have both went out of their way to help me with will billing issues/price quotes many of times. They are both courteous, well spoken and knowledgeable. I can tell you this since I have several policies with them and more to follow. I can also tell you there is no other Allstate I will go to. Yes! They are that good. They have become great people to do business with over the years and personal friends as well! Thanks again guys! Keep up the good work! Mike

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