Allstate Insurance Agent: Garrie Thissen en Fair Lawn

Estados UnidosAllstate Insurance Agent: Garrie Thissen



🕗 horarios

17-10, River Road, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-791-3330
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9375477, Longitude: -74.1375822

comentarios 5

  • en

    Al Eckstein


    Excellent experience associated with a recent vehicle accident

  • Michelle Carenza

    Michelle Carenza


    “ So far my experience with this office has been very good. Any questions I have are always answered very well, and the staff is super friendly. Periodically they call just to give well wishes and see if my status has changed, and little things like that are greatly appreciated. When I bought a new car and the dealership did my insurance paperwork for me they ended up messing up my discounts making my bill outrageous! The agent I worked with was VERY helpful with getting everything sorted out and my premium back where it should be. ”

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    Philip Smoller


    Very helpful people. Very friendly and eager to help. Very Knowledgeable

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    Marty Malek


    honest professionals, prompt and always available to help

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    Gracy Mercado


    This company left my family with crap I had a house fire last year @ 2:00am and me and sister were breathing in smoke as we were sleeping my mom was woken by fire fighters banging on our front door we thought it was someone trying to break in but that was not the case when my mom looked through our kitchen window the back of our house was on fire and my mom face I will never forget she said oh my gosh the house was on fire we have to get out I jump right out of bed when I heard that and banged so hard my brothers door for him to get up my siblings and I went through the front door and just when we're ready to leave my mom to the basement to get my uncle it took 5 minutes to for the fire fighters to find them when I open my front door the whole neighborhood was awake and smoke went in to everybody's house I scream out loud my mom and uncle is still in there they took one look at me and went right in my house to go get them it took five fire trucks and 6 hoses to let out fire the damage was horrible mainly the second got most of the damage and my floor got water damage IT'S BEEN A YEAR FOR AND ME AND MY FAMILY AND WE HAVEN'T SEEN A PENNY FROM ALLSTATE HERE WE ARE SUFFERING FROM THIS ONLY EXCUSES WE HAVE HEARD.

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