Allstate Insurance Agent: Alexander Protosow w East Meadow

Stany ZjednoczoneAllstate Insurance Agent: Alexander Protosow



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291, East Meadow Avenue, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-962-5468
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7167703, Longitude: -73.5612856

komentarze 2

  • en

    Sofia M


    The staff at this agency was nothing short of rude and incompetent. I was contacted with an offer of a quote for switching my current insurance for them. The numbers seemed competitive to what I was currently paying. So after that initial contact I was called back for a follow up. I was received by a woman who was telling me something completely different than what I was told, I believe her name was Lourdes. I tried to find out why the quote they gave me was inaccurate from before. She was acting as if she didn't care to be bothered. I was given the run around. Not very professional. If this staff member was any indication for the people working here, then I would consider a different allstate.

  • en

    Rick Laventure


    I would not recommend this agency. My first contact with them was a call which the caller said was a survey by some insurance institute. They asked if I would change insurers if I could save money and then connected me to one of there agents. I received a quote for both auto and home and was told it was a guaranteed price. Within a month I relieved a bill for additional bill for $96 on my home owners. I called to ask why and was told it was due to my distance from a fire hydrant and this was new to NY State. My previous insurer mentioned this to me years ago. Them at the end of our first 6 months our monthly bill increased by over $20 per month with no claim, tickets of accidents. I asked why and was told we did not qualify for discount one one vehicle because we didn't drive enough miles. We are currently looking for another agency and would strongly suggest you keep away.

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