Alliance Credit Union en San Jose

Estados UnidosAlliance Credit Union



🕗 horarios

265, Curtner Avenue, 95125, San Jose, Santa Clara County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 800-232-8669
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.2999467, Longitude: -121.867134

comentarios 5

  • The Walk ministries

    The Walk ministries


    Me and my mom walked in and asked to get puarters and the lady at the door said we could then they yelled at my mom and disrespected us so bad at the teller ! I told them to stop yelling at my mom and the employee tryed to kick us out ???? All we wanted was change and had the worst experience at a bank that I have ever had in my life! And trying to complane or deal with this bank is so hard ! I don't want others to have this experience ( DONT BANK HERE ) Bad Service !!!

  • en

    Razieh Medhat


    After run my credit, aproved for loan, sing the paper, opene the member ship and account and waist my time for 7 days. They call me and said they made mictack and they can give me a loan.

  • Brian Bonnifield

    Brian Bonnifield


    I have been unable to speak to a live person to answer my question about my account. I worked through the phone tree and was waiting for someone to answer and they hung up[ on me. It was impossible to speak with anyone. Pushing zero had no effect and saying representative was not understood. Very frustrating!!! I am moving my money!!!

  • en

    Charlotte Bermudez


    Alliance credit union bank you guys are 👍

  • Sri P

    Sri P


    They are very helpful. If you are local, don't need to wire money internationally, this is a great bank for you. The fees are very nominal compared to other banks and service is great!

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