Allen Geoffrey D i Washington

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1030, 15th Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-559-1421
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Latitude: 38.9058938, Longitude: -77.0394763

kommentar 5

  • LeShawnda Riley

    LeShawnda Riley


    Mr. Allen is an immaculate attorney. He's very detail oriented, very knowledgeable, and has the most professional staff I've ever encountered. Mr. Allen and his team kept me informed every step of the way, and made everything so streamlined that I didn't have to worry about anything. He handled my claim with extreme precision and in a timely manner. He works very hard for his clients to ensure they get the very best from him individually and collectively. This isn't my first time working with Mr. Allen and his staff. Needless to say I can never see myself going anywhere else for consults or see anyone else handling any of my legal matters. He's and his staff are super awesome.

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    Freddie Artis


    Since I've known Mr. Allen, I have known him to be an excellent attorney in and out of the courtroom. He is a very kind and great lawyer. He has had a great impact in the Metropolitan Area.

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    Courtni Sam


    From the moment I contacted Attorney Allen in reference to my auto accident he was very supportive. He made me very aware of each action and the reason behind his actions. I was reffered to physical therapy right away. My case was settled very quickly. He made me feel very safe and secure with the settlement. Any questions/concerns was answered right away. Attorney Allen and his staff are amazing. When i was unable to speak with him directly his assistant Selena was also very supportive and able to help as mcuh as possible. I would refer and use him again if necessary. Thanks again Attorney Allen and staff!

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    Selena Cruz


    I was very pleased with the outcome of my case with Mr. Allen. I had never been in an accident before and wasn't sure of what to do. Mr. Allen took my case and handled everything in an organized manner and I didn't have to worry about anything! I was beyond thankful for all of his help. His firm is beyond organized, fast, responsible and truly caring. His interest is always in his clients' outcome. I would recommend The Law Office of Geoffrey D. Allen to anyone!

  • en

    Helen Arrington


    Jeffrey Allen is an excellent attorney I have been associated with Mr Allen over 10 years he has always been there for me and my family and friends I highly recommend Mr Jeffrey Allen for all your personal, accidental injuries etc. He's a great attorney

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