Allegro Pianos w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneAllegro Pianos


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1068, Long Ridge Road, 06903, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-968-8888
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Latitude: 41.104938, Longitude: -73.5677925

komentarze 5

  • James Pierce

    James Pierce


    I rarely leave a rave review, but Allegro Pianos (particularly Ori and his wife) have earned one. I purchased a piano for our home, and Ori was amazing to work with, honest, professional, and never made me feel pressured. His knowledge and passion are extensive, and I felt he had my best interests (and those of my wife) in mind. To help our family have the piano a few days before the holidays, Ori personally loaded the piano in his vehicle and delivered and installed it in my home the same day (a rare exception, and appreciated). I was impressed that an owner would go out of his way to do all this for our family -- he went beyond the call of duty. Our piano has been the perfect fit for us and I would recommend others visit Allegro Pianos.

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    Marina Harrison


    I have worked in the piano industry for many years and have had the opportunity to work with a vast number of piano dealers and manufacturers. In a competitive industry I value trust above all else. As an independent consultant my reputation is everything and I have seen far too many dealers take advantage of their clients or outright lie to me or them about their instruments for the sake of making a sale. Of course, this is not true of all dealers. But, by far, my best experiences have been with Allegro Pianos. After several wonderful experiences I feel compelled to share my praise for this dealer with my colleagues and clients. The quality of the instruments is exceptional. Whenever I have visited their pianos they are always impeccably prepared and clean and you are treated with the utmost respect and care (even given snacks or lunch if you like!)A pianist may prefer one instrument to another but they are all shown in the best way possible and that is a testament to the dedication of the owners and staff who are not "sales people" but true consultants who know the instruments, unlike any other piano dealers I've dealt with.Their technical expertise is unsurpassed. If you ask a question you will get a thoughtful and intelligent answer, not rhetoric about how great their pianos are. These people truly love pianos and are straight shooters which I appreciate very much. No high pressure sales and they will genuinely help you find the best instrument for your needs at quite reasonable prices. Ori, the owner, goes above and beyond to accommodate the individual needs of his clients even at his own inconvenience. I appreciate the genuine respect and knowledge that everyone at Allegro offers their clients and I know from personal experience that you can not go wrong for quality, price, or care with one of their instruments. Allegro pianos never disappoints!

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    C Brown


    I purchased a Bosendorfer piano from Allegro a few years ago and I couldn't be happier with my purchase or the experience I had with Allegro Pianos since then. When I was looking at pianos, Ori was very helpful and knowledgeable and patiently answered all of my questions. He helped me pick not just any piano, but the right piano for me. In the few years we've owned the piano, Rebecca has always been quick and responsive whenever I needed support or had questions. We have enjoyed the piano since the day it came to our home and I know it will be enjoyed by many generations to come.

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    Mike Winters


    Dozens of marquee pianos all perfectly prepared. A private meeting with Ori allows you to explore and hear every nuance. A magical learning experience at your pace with zero sales pressure. What more could you want? Rated A+++ and 10 stars!

  • Atticus Hardick

    Atticus Hardick


    Ori is very informative and the experience at Allegro pianos is very enjoyable, with absolutely no pressure. Great selection too. One of the absolute best piano dealerships I have visited.

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