Allan's Bakery en New York

Estados UnidosAllan's Bakery



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1109, Nostrand Avenue, 11225, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-774-7892
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.660625, Longitude: -73.950398

comentarios 5

  • en

    Osborne Frank


    I remember when Allan would greet you as you walked in take your order and thanked you on the way out. Miss those days

  • en

    Unique Nurse


    Best currants roll in Brooklyn love how fresh it is, nice and warm with a buttery flaky feel to it they also have other delicious stuff expect long lines when you go.

  • en

    Gerard Cabrera


    Where must I start great place been eating from here when my grandparents was alive, back then used to live on 411 Rogers. Great meat pies and bread usually on the list something about that tune when I walk in that joint have me running to the beat from the Congo man. Machel Montaro thanks for giving me a chance big ups all ya.

  • Bane Calizaire

    Bane Calizaire


    Sometimes, especially Sunday, can be a difficult place to find parking. Sometimes, due to the fact that they only have one cashier with 20 ppl waiting in line is time consuming. You might see the line and the double parked cars and decide to come back another day. But sometimes that doesn't matter when your hard dough bread and rum cake taste this damn good. Wait in the line! Keep looking outside their glass windows to see if you're being ticketed for double parking! Just to get your hands on that hard dough bread! It's worth it.

  • Kim M.

    Kim M.


    I've been going to this bakery since I was a child. Food is consistently amazing. They made my baby's 1st birthday cake it was so good & beautiful. I highly recommend this bakery & EBT is accepted. Its a west Indian bakery

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