All Suffolk Glass w Islip Terrace

Stany ZjednoczoneAll Suffolk Glass


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

93, Carleton Avenue, 11752, Islip Terrace, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-277-5614
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7487608, Longitude: -73.1937201

komentarze 5

  • Make Difference

    Make Difference


    The are best in their work & cheaper

  • en

    John Paul


    Best pricing on windshields

  • en

    Edwin Echevarria


    Dissapointed with this place. My cars currently there being worked on for the 3rd time (replacing cracked front windshield). First time they came to my house which I thought was great workers left my car dirty full of the glue and stuff they were working with. The windshield wasnt lined up properly and due to that there was rubbber sticking out of the passenger side inside the car. Had to take back to fix it, saw the 2 workers that had worked on it the first time, no decency to even apologize or nothing. 2nd time it looks great, clean, even but the next day theres an annoying squeaking sound from the right side. Had to deal with the tedious noise for a week. Im hoping 3rd time is a charm.

  • en



    Bad service. My car did not have any issue with headliner but after they put the glass, headliner from the front is falling off, they are so unprofessional that they didn't even bother fixing it but handed me the car as it is. I called and complained, they promised to fix it, sent the guy to look at the car and he promised to come back to fix it but never came back.

  • Willi Khan

    Willi Khan


    Safelite giv me final quote 650$ for chevy subarban 2015 and they fix it for 325 $ job was welldone..

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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