All City Cosmetic Dental Care w Huntington Station

Stany ZjednoczoneAll City Cosmetic Dental Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

17, Walt Whitman Road, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-593-5713
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.83057, Longitude: -73.411068

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nancy S


    I am someone with extreme dental problems. Dr Boris has gone above and beyond to fix my problems without sending me to other practitioners, who would charge me twice the price. He is kind, patient and professional. I have been to other dentists and now I have found my forever dentist. The office staff, Tina the receptionist is always helpful and calls back if you need to leave a message. Audrey the dental assistant makes you feel comfortable, and is very efficient. Once you try All City Dental you will be very happy you did.

  • en

    Rob Hoffman


    The staff here is extremely friendly. They help create a very relaxed environment. Most importantly, Dr. Boris is great!

  • en

    Mary Finchum


    They were kind, understanding and reasonable. I need a lot of work. The dentist was patient and answered all my questions, which made me feel comfortable and confident. They also offer financing.

  • en

    J.Vincent Di Folco


    Dr. Yusupov is a great dentist. He and his staff are easy to deal with and they always work around my schedule. No complaints.

  • Renee Keahey

    Renee Keahey


    I highly recommend cosmetic dental care to everyone here in this country and even around the world , they have given me my smile back and I am so happen I was recommended to Cosmetic dental care . they have a great and awesome staff and the Dentist is the best , I have ever had to use in my life , thank God they came into my life.

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