All About The Dress w Armonk

Stany ZjednoczoneAll About The Dress



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480, Main Street, 10504, Armonk, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-219-5300
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Latitude: 41.1286069, Longitude: -73.7130902

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alyse Lefkowitz


    We had a terrific experience at All About the Dress. I spoke to both of the owners on the phone prior to going into the store. They were very helpful from the start. The store is not open at a time that I could get there so Julie came in on a Sunday to meet with us. We were looking for a dress for my daughter's Bat Mitzvah and possibly another for Friday night. There were a ton of options that worked for both! We ended up buying 3 dresses that day. There was another that we loved but it had an issue. Julie was able to get that dress fixed and followed up with us promptly so we bought that one too. There was absolutely no pressure at any point in the appointment. I thought the dresses were reasonably priced and totally appropriate for a 12 year old girl. (Not always easy to find.) I have been recommending this store to my friends and will continue to do so. I look forward to shopping there again.

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    Melanie Appelbaum


    Beware of the "made to measure" dresses! While the ladies who own the store are lovely and they do have some nice dresses. They screwed up and didn't handle it well! I ordered a made to measure dress for my daughter's bat mitzvah. It came in and the shoulders were way too tight and the cap sleeve looked ridiculously small. They said they could fix it, so great. I gave that a chance. I was assured I would have it within the week. A week later, I called them (not the other way around) at 1 pm to be told, yes it's ready but we close at 4 pm and won't be back for 5 days. What? If I waited the 5 days to go back, that would've put me 10 days away from the bat mitzvah. Dangerously close if the dress still needed fixing. So I rushed over there (re-arranged the afternoon to get there on time). The dress still looked too small and NOTHING had been done to the sleeve. What made me really angry is that they told me that the "dress maker" told them that they didn't want to alter the sleeve b/c that would vary from the pattern. NOBODY asked my opinion before wasting my time and making me (and my daughter) come back in! If they had asked me what I preferred over the phone, I would've told them. Wasn't given that option. I got the impression that they never told the dress maker to redo the sleeve b/c that would've cost them money - more lace. Not cool at all! I left the store with the dress looking a bit too snug for "made to measure". Would never go there again based on this experience. Was so optimistic when I started. UGH.

  • en

    Paige Axelrod


    A few of my friends recommended we checkout All About The Dress for my Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah. We live in NYC but driving to Armonk wound up being worth the trip. We intended on just checking out the selection but in the end we bought 3 dresses in less than an hour. The first dress we saw was my Daughter’s party dress - it is so beautiful. We bought the last size available, had it tailored at the store and the team did a fabulous job. The second dress which she wore to her service we had custom made, the quality was exceptional. And the third dress for Friday night service was the perfect fit. I have since sent friends to All About The Dress and they too had success in finding the perfect dress too.

  • en



    My 13-year old daughter and I had a great experience at All About the Dress. The selection was perfect; a variety of price ranges and the right amount of selection (not too much to make the experience overwhelming but enough variety to easily make a decision in one visit). The co-owner did not push us into a higher priced custom made dress. She was conscious of our budget. She suggested adding a metallic sewn-on waist band to dress up an "off the shelf" dress rather than spending more money on a custom dress. This feature really made the dress look customized. I highly recommend All About the Dress. The owners are easy to work with. They quickly identified my daughter's personal style and preferences.

  • en

    Lisa Leibowitz


    I love this store!! Discovered it shortly after it opened (unfortunately after my daughter's Bat Mitzvah had come and gone) and have purchased numerous dresses since. I come from CT, about 45 minutes away, but it's well worth the trip every time I've made it - for the personal and attentive service, great selection, and overall shopping experience. My daughter is very particular. She has strong opinions about what she wears and how she wants to look in a dress, and we don't always agree. I love that All About The Dress has such a chic, carefully selected inventory - plenty to choose from but not SO much that it's overwhelming. And I'd be happy with almost anything my daughter would choose from there, because it's all stylish and tasteful. With the help of both owners (who are terrific!), my daughter found dresses for my nephew's Bar Mitzvah and my niece's Bat Mitzvah, both beautiful and totally different. She has also found several more casual dresses for school dances and other functions. Of course, the most important purchases we've made there were for my son's Bar Mitzvah last year. My daughter found not 1, but 3 dresses that she loved - 1 for service the night before, 1 for temple, and the third for the party. And I had a gorgeous dress custom-made by their exclusive designers, Jesus & Antonio. I have never received more compliments for anything I've ever worn! Thank you All About The Dress!!! I'll see you soon for prom!

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