Albertsons Pharmacy i Irvine

Forenede StaterAlbertsons Pharmacy



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14201, Jeffrey Road, 92620, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 949-733-0945
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Latitude: 33.6951415, Longitude: -117.7656889

kommentar 5

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    Kaukab B


    Frequently running behind on prescriptions. Not reliable. Lack of communication. Rude for no reason. And zero regard for customer satisfaction, be it over the phone or in person. They really need to up their game and REPLACE everyone there. Look else where. I've been with them for five years and have finally moved over to another pharmacy in Irvine which is TERRIFIC. So, plenty of great pharmacies out there to decide on. This place/staff is not worth your time and money.

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    Anas Belemlih


    rude staffs, always overwhelmed, barely a smile or a good morning.. eukhhh

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    John Noory


    The worst customer service ever seen in my life...

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    Lennon Bonnelli


    This pharmacy is filled with idiots who don't know how to do their jobs. This pharmacy never had anything in stick and will not notify you if any goes wrong with your prescriptions.

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    Lynn Mally


    These are nice, very competent people who work as hard as they can. I am happy to go there.

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