Alberto Sanchez Designer Corporation w Ridgefield

Stany ZjednoczoneAlberto Sanchez Designer Corporation


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

483, Bergen Boulevard, 07657, Ridgefield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-943-0010
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8249034, Longitude: -73.997488

komentarze 2

  • Julissa Arias

    Julissa Arias


    If I can give no stars I would. This is a warning to anyone not only buying from him as a customer, but also working for him in any way. His level of unprofessionalism is revolting. As someone who experienced it once backstage with him he treats anyone he employs like waste. He has a horrendous attitude and degrades everyone and everything around him. I always wondered why people didn’t want to do any projects with him and now it is clear to see. The models that he hires for his shows get treated so terribly and he speaks horribly to them right before they get on- way to boost girls that work for you for free’s confidence. The work my business partner and I did for him as backstage makeup crew was tiring and long,about a 12 hour day. With no complaints and positive energy we tried to assist this man with his messy project as much as possible. After everything we’ve done for him and the emotional trauma we encountered being in the same room as him he never paid us a scent after an agreement for us to get paid. Do not get victimized by this monster as a customer- or intern. I never took legal action as an act of kindness but as a woman in the media industry who is around women in the beauty industry please stay away from this monster.

  • Arlin Geismar

    Arlin Geismar


    Do not! DO NOT! Buy anything from this thing. He tries to play on your ignorance with fabrics. He charged me $4k for a wedding dress and harassed me on a weekly basis to pay it in full before the dress was done. I had to pay him in full because he threatened to not give me my dress 2 months before my wedding. He didn't even finish it. He doesn't know how to sew. He got lazy and glued everything and it cant even be altered. He is a drunk, a con-artist and a thief. I am suing him for the 4k plus emotional damages right before my wedding. Save your money, the stuff in his windows are done by his boyfriend who doesn't have his papers and Alberto takes advantage of him. Nothing is done by Alberto. NOTHING. The only thing that is done by him is the CON

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