Alaskan Adventure i Omaha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAlaskan Adventure



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3701, South 10th Street, 68107, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 402-733-8400
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.2280637, Longitude: -95.9275465

kommentar 5

  • en

    kent thorne


    Love the splash park. Great place to let kids run, it has a single entrance and exit. So it is easier to keep an eye on kids and let them freeplay. Also great place to cool off in the summer. Wish they had more area for changing, etc.

  • Don Goff

    Don Goff


    A very nice place for everyone, they maintain the cleanliness in the area, and great service...

  • Curtis Callaway

    Curtis Callaway


    Free entry with zoo.admission ... check the website for changes.... huge splash park. Huge 5 to 7 ft water spouts. And a side kiddie splash area. My 8 10 and 2 years old love it.

  • en

    Ann Holmstrom


    This is a splash playground with an Alaskan wildlife theme. Kids can choose to get wet or really wet. Tip: if you or your kids choose to change into or out of swimwear for this experience, skip the old, tiny bathrooms at nearby red barn park. There are quick change areas for kids on the perimeter of the Alaskan Adventure, or go around the corner to the new Adventure Trails area where there are large new restrooms, a large baby changing area, and family restrooms.

  • Asuncion Lopez

    Asuncion Lopez


    Fun fun for the whole family we all loved it!!!

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