Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling w Forest Hill

Stany ZjednoczoneAkron Industrial Heating & Cooling


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5703, Crawford Lane East, 76119, Forest Hill, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-438-1778
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.673482, Longitude: -97.263383

komentarze 5

  • Jordan Silva

    Jordan Silva


    David was awesome, he went above and beyond to help us stay warm during the last winter season. Our heater had stopped working and we sort help from some different companies but none of them were able to secure us, but David from Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling was great. He identified where the problem was and sorted it within an hour. We will definitely recommend all to this awesome company.

  • Douglas Estrada

    Douglas Estrada


    The technicians at Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling are solid, professional and fairly priced. This is what most of the customers if not all will want for a heating contractor. We had a need for a new heating system and Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling qualified for the job. It wasn't a small job, but they took care of everything that came up with this sort of project making sure that we were satisfied and taken care of. Highly and strongly recommend them.

  • Terry Bowman

    Terry Bowman


    Great experience. Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling came out to install our Ecobee3 smart thermostat, perform maintenance service on our furnace, and give us advice on a wall furnace. David was on time, super friendly, and knowledgeable. He gave us tips on a number of concerns, walked us through every detail of our new heating and humidifier and helped us with getting the Ecobee3 set up. We will definitely be using them again!

  • Brandon Myers

    Brandon Myers


    Couldn’t be happier with Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling. They installed my HVAC about two years ago and regularly service it. They did such a great installation, any work men who have needed to go into the attic say how good a job they did. David the technician who came for the maintenance checkup was professional and a pleasure to have around.

  • Debra Crawford

    Debra Crawford


    I had a great experience working with David from Akron Industrial Heating & Cooling. He was very prompt, quick to schedule the quote and performed the work professionally. He was also friendly and considerate. He explained to me what was wrong with my furnace that had stopped from working, fixed the problem within a very short time and even gave some recommendations on maintenance. Thumbs Up!

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