After It Training w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneAfter It Training



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250, West Baseline Road, 85283, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-231-8415
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3787393, Longitude: -111.9429534

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sara Romero


    EXCELLENT FACILITY! Very clean, and knowledgeable staff! The coaches make sure your form is correct, and you get the full benefit of your work out. They play excellent music and the group of people that attend are very friendly and help you excel at your goals!

  • en

    Stephanie Reed


    This is a great place! All of the trainers and staff are knowledgable, welcoming and make your workout fun! I would highly recommend to anyone at any fitness level. They are able to accommodate all ability levels while making the environment an inclusive one.

  • en

    Brianna Hiralez


    Typically I hate group fitness, but this was refreshingly different than any other class I've taken. I didn't feel insecure or pressured, and could go at my own pace! It is definitely a high intensity workout, and they do push you to go 100%, but the trainers were always understanding if you needed a quick break. I like the variety of classes they offer and the use of an app to sign up for classes. Everyone there is friendly and helpful. Even though it can be tough, it always ends up being fun and leaving me feeling accomplished. I would definitely recommend it!

  • en

    Regina H


    Much better than going to the typical gym. Aaron did a nice job of working around my injury whilst switching up the workouts so it didn't get repetitive. He was good about explaining the concepts behind the exercises and techniques and how they could be applied to athletic positions. Great gym! Hope to go back soon!

  • Frank Thijssen

    Frank Thijssen


    I love it here, the atmosphere is very inviting and the gym is well equiped. The trainers are all extremely skilled and knowledgeable . They are very good at adapting your training program to your level and will push you enough to see great improvements in your fitness and strength while making sure to keep your body safe from injury by teaching you proper form. I've been training with Nick for three months now and I've learned so much. He is a great motivator and makes each session challenging and fun. You won't ever get bored here. I recently started adding some group classes too and they are just so much fun and very effective, they have a ton of different classes to choose from. I'm grateful to have found this place and I highly recommend it to anyone! Thank you After It Training!!

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