Affordable Auto Glass en Highland

Estados UnidosAffordable Auto Glass


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3440, U.S. 9W, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-795-2524
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.737777, Longitude: -73.96211

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ron Fleitman


    They came to my house to replace the rear (liftgate) window on my 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The business is run by a husband/wife team and they personally do all the work. They are friendly, prompt, courteous, experienced and do a great job. They wouldn't leave until they double-checked everything to make sure all was good. They even did a thorough job of cleaning up. I couldn't be more pleased and recommend them highly to all.

  • en

    Varin Arocho


    Got my windshield replaced by them. They're honest, hard-working, and through in what they do. Along with having great conversations with them too. I'd certainly recommend them to anyone who needs to have glass replaced or fixed.

  • anthony patton

    anthony patton


    I Highly recommend! I have been using them for years. They do Great work, are super fast, and a great price, what more could you ask for.

  • Jillian Foreman

    Jillian Foreman


    I had such a great experience with Affordable Auto Glass. They were super friendly and professional. They made the whole experience very enjoyable and it is truly affordable. I highly recommend going to Affordable Auto Glass, you will not be disappointed.

  • Jordan Dick

    Jordan Dick


    This is a husband and wife team. They are excellent! They dealt with my insurance company, they showed up when they said they would and did a fantastic job. They even took the extra time to clear out a squirrel's nest that was in the wiper motor area. They easily could have blown that off. Plus one for another hard working small business!

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