AesthetiCare Dental w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAesthetiCare Dental



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218-16, Hillside Avenue, 11427, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-464-5666
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7285091, Longitude: -73.7460673

komentarze 5

  • Jose Jimenez

    Jose Jimenez


    After years not visiting the dentist, my front tooth had a huge cavity that was visible whenever I smiled. I was nervous of visiting the dentist because I was afraid of the dentist criticizing me of my poor dental hygiene habits. I decided to visit anyways because that cavity ruined my smile and I wanted it fixed ASAP. My dentist, Dr Mohammad R. Haque, DDS made me feel very comfortable. He never criticized me or asked me questions about my poor dental hygiene but rather got to the point and told me what had to be done and how to fix it. Prior to beginning the procedures he made sure that I did not feel any pain at all. Whenever I felt anything, he would immediately put anesthesia in the area. I WAS EXCITED at the result of my procedure! My cavity was fixed and my smile is back! The staff were very nice and welcoming. The waiting room, rooms, and equipment are very modern and clean. I have a few more procedures to get done and I trust Dr. Mohammad R. Haque to get it done.

  • Marjorie Rivera

    Marjorie Rivera


    Great staff and the Dr. Haque is amazing. He is really friendly and he has such good beside manner. I take my daughter and me and I highly recommend him. He is one of kind

  • en

    zaheer aziz


    I hate going to the dentist,but after going to this dentist I felt comfortable and not so much afraid as predicted,the staff is very friendly and polite and patient,I would recommend this dentist to anyone that's looking for good service and professional service

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    I've been here one time the dentist was very nice as well as the front desk staff. The office is very clean and comfortable. I will be going back for a small procedure and will update on his work ethics.

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    Suzan Al


    He is very good doctor , patient , good listening to his patient, very good work with child.

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