Aesthetic Medical Network i Melville

Forenede StaterAesthetic Medical Network



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150, Broadhollow Road, 11747, Melville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-683-5050
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7881683, Longitude: -73.4162467

kommentar 5

  • Sheila Hayon

    Sheila Hayon


    Great job. Dr brooks

  • en

    Elana Hayon


    Great Service! Alex, The manager did a wonderful job. Thanks again!

  • en

    Aysha Khan


    DON'T GO TO AESTHETIC MEDICAL NETWORK!!! The customer service here is horrible. Alex the manager tries her best to rip you of. Their policies are very shady. The aestheticians purposely lower the setting at the end of your treatment package so that you are forced to buy additional treatments. When you tell them that you don't feel the laser as strong, they say it's a different or new machine. The charge you a missed appointment fee of $25 even if you call hour in advance of your appointment to cancel due to an emergency. After 2 complete packages of 6 treatments each with only minor results I finally looked for a different place. On Groupon I found Bare NY in Floral Park who had similar prices and saw major results after just one treatment and the aesthetician at Bare NY worked with me to customize my treatment plan so I saw the best results and their customer service is phenomenal! Please do yourself a favor and avoid Aesthetic Medical Network! Look at the reviews for other places, I highly recommend Bare NY in Floral Park!

  • alicia richards

    alicia richards


    I have had 2 laser hair removal treatments and absolutely no results. I have had laser treatments at other places and saw results immediately. I want to have other areas done but will definitely not be going here.

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    Diana Murray


    DO NOT EVER GO THERE! This place is a rip off. I have had 12 laser hair removal treatments and had little to no hair loss. They lie and are very nasty in the office. I'm so upset I bought this Groupon. It was a waste of a lot of $1,800. I'm going to a dermatologist. I have tried to contact them and no answers back.

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