Aegean Pizza & Italian Restaurant w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneAegean Pizza & Italian Restaurant



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58-01, Sunrise Highway, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-567-6066
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7703584, Longitude: -73.0629806

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ashley McDermott


    I’ve been coming here for over 15 years and will probably never stop. Great pizza.

  • en

    Patricia Baldinucci


    Pizza is great. I dont rate stuff like bbq pizza, because (like the people that own this place) I've been eating real pizza since before that stuff was invented. Whats important is the quality of their sauce, dough and cheese. It's cooked properly, consistantly, and at a great price. I've owned my own pizzeria for 35 years, recently sold. If you were open 12 hours a day 7 days a week for as long as these guys have been open, and had to deal with customers,like some of the one's that wrote these stupid bad reviews, then you might be a little rude too. I can look past it. Keep up the good work guys!!! Your doing great!

  • en

    Merle Bickford


    Badass pizza, great service, and really good prices. I’m a crust guy, and theirs comes out perfectly crispy on the bottom and there is no shortage on toppings.

  • Christina P

    Christina P


    My boyfriend and I have ordered pizza here a few times since moving into the Holbrook area. Of course their location is less than ideal but the rent must be cheap and it seems people who find their pizza to be good, don't mind going to get it from this location. I have not had any problems with staff here and they always seem to be friendly. BUT the pizza is definitely subpar. There is nothing good about this pizza. From their plain slices with the garlic knot crust to their specialty pizzas. The garlic knot crust slice has an immense amount of raw garlic to the point of a burning feeling on the tongue and their pizza all together has very little flavor. I wouldn't recommend this location to anyone. Go down to Savianos for pizza and save yourself the trouble of bringing home a pizza your family will be disappointed with.

  • Vincent Ferrara

    Vincent Ferrara


    Easily one of the best pizza places on Long Island. The service is fantastic and the pizza reflects that. Their product is nothing short of perfection on a pizza. Without any spoilers, go check them out yourselves. RECOMMENDED BIG LEAGUE!!

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