Adora Home i Hackensack

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205, Main Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-488-3744
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Latitude: 40.8848575, Longitude: -74.042773

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peter Drummond


    Just posted on Yelp (first time ever) and now on Google review (first time as well) just to warn others about this place. Stay away. It took me over 8 weeks and 4 separate tries to get the right couch that I initially picked out in the Hackensack store. Try 1: They told me the couch would be delivered, so I worked from home that day. 6 hours go by, I call and find out the couch won't be delivered because it was stuck in South Jersey. Try 2: I work from home again on a separate day, they deliver a couch. But it is the WRONG COUCH! I worked from home again (costing myself money) for no reason. Try 3: Third time is the charm right? Well apparently not for Adora. I work from home and they deliver the wrong couch AGAIN. Complete and utter nonsense. You'd think by this point they would check if it was the right couch before delivery. Try 4: Finally, I get the right couch. But get this, the movers break my lamp in the process. So I call Omar the owner/manager and Talip the salesman. Talip ignores my texts and calls. Omar finally answers and takes ZERO responsibility for any of this. He said as long as they delivered the right couch that they did their job. So by his logic, even if it took 100 tries to get you the right furniture, that's success by his definition. He also blames me for the lamp being broken. He says I should have moved it. That's funny because it wasn't a problem for the movers the previous two times they gave me the wrong couch. And if it was in the way (which it is not) why not just say, "Can you move the lamp first?" This place is a disgrace. I should have went to a Bob's or Ikea or something online. If you are looking for furniture, go elsewhere. They take no responsibility for their actions. Really the worst experience I've had with a business of any sort. It took 8 weeks, 4 days working from home and 1 broken lamp before I finally got my couch. If I could give this place zero stars, I would.

  • en

    ramses sanchez


    i received an excellent accessory from Omar, i bought everything in my house my wife I definitely went back to buy in adora.




    Very good offers and furniture really quality, is all I needed for my home, thank you!

  • en

    Ramon Rosario


    I wiki deginetely go this place memory foam matress came out exactly how antonio the salesman explained.

  • Miriam Mora

    Miriam Mora


    I had a Bad Experience here. I bough 2 beds one full and one twin with matresses and 1 sofa for $1,900 on January 2017 .. and one of the bed broke 10 months after I bought it and the matress was supostvto be to be memory foam which turned out hard after couple months and very uneven which caused me pain in my back. The products are bad quality, very dissappointed.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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