Acme Plumbing & Heating Co i Tulsa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAcme Plumbing & Heating Co


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1111, East Archer Street, 74120, Tulsa, Tulsa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 918-587-0195
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Latitude: 36.162725, Longitude: -95.977605

kommentar 2

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    Tanner H


    EVERYONE please read this we had bought all these parts to fix our busted pipe at our house in skiatook we spent all day out there since like 10 in the morning and just got home right now we were out of ideas but there is a worker for this company named John and he is really amazing an such a blessing he decided to take time out of his day to come help us an this is at night time I luckily drove past his house and he was nice an willing enough yo come take a look at our problem and he fixed the last piece that we forgot about within 2 minutes and didn't even charge us this place is really amazing an people like him and them are such a blessing thank u so much

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    Steve Newman


    I've had to use Acme Plumbing 3 times now and they have always done a great job - plus they don't pad their invoices! Fantastic people from Patty who answers the phone to the plumber who comes out and sorts out the problems we have had (two blocked pipes and changing out a very old and hard to access toilet supply valve). Will definitely be using them again - unlike some of the other guys in town....

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