Accent On The Home i Glen Cove

Forenede StaterAccent On The Home



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10, Glen Street, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-674-0726
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Latitude: 40.8639734, Longitude: -73.6313952

kommentar 1

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    Heidi Pets


    Betsy took the stressed out of furnishing my ENTIRE new 3 bedroom beach condo by listening to me as I described the look I was going for and using her amazing talents to streamline the process, break it down to manageable pieces, give me enough options to keep me engaged, excited and laughing! This store has everything from furniture, window treatments, rugs, and accessories such as lamps and pictures for EVERY type of style. Brian helped us arrange the delivery of all of it and it all came together at such a reasonable cost!!! Delivery men were careful, knowledgeable and friendly. Betsy was responsive, honest, talked me off the ledge a few times, has an eye for color and style and so fun to work with! I love every room in my home and feel so happy here. She took my accent pillows and used that same fabric to make my kitchen bar stools pop! You must go check this place out. It will overwhelm you to look on the website at all your options. Go to the store and have a wonderful experience decorating your happy place!!!she is very responsive by email as well!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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