Abercrombie & Fitch w Edison

Stany ZjednoczoneAbercrombie & Fitch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

100, Menlo Park Mall, 08837, Edison, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-548-0217
strona internetowej: www.abercrombie.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.547227, Longitude: -74.335271

komentarze 5

  • Isabel de la ossa

    Isabel de la ossa


  • Jay Upadhyay

    Jay Upadhyay


    There was this employee named Arjun Thapar, he told me that this cologne was really good and when he spritzed it on my face i had an allergic reaction and My face became unrecognizable.

  • en

    kirpa patel


    I went to this store today and this is a regular store I go to so I didn’t expect my experience there to be horrible.But it was basically what happened to me today I was waiting in line today to checkout there was only one person working at the cash register and there was another person but he wasn’t doing the cash register he was doing some other work behind the counter so because he was doing this i didn’t say anything to bother him by this time now I had been waiting in line for about 15 min and I was up next and there was nobody behind me suddenly this other lady comes up to the cash register and the guy that was first working behind the counter just started to do checkout on her and he saw that i was next and this lady just cut me and he was doing nothing about it so I finally spoke up saying u were first doing work behind the counter and now that she has come u just took her even though I was in front of her so I started to ask him why he did that and he was arguing to me that he asked me if I needed help so this guy was definitely being rasist. Overall I just didn’t Think that was good customer service.

  • en

    Sanjeev Kumar


    Bad experience with this store. Store Manager refuses to disclose his name!!! Big NO to this store!!! Returns are rejected, find other store with friendly manager. Brand impact if A&F is mismanaged by people like this store manager. Incident happens in 7/29/2017, when I came for a return on one of the defective t-shirt. I had used A&F product from years and spent on this brand much more than other products, Unfortunately this would be my last transaction when A&F refuses to support/accept the defective products with receipt. A&F should hire friendly Manager, surprisingly staff is friendly then this guy!

  • balbir bedi

    balbir bedi


    Friendly staff, good range of articles. This is one of my best shopping places with my average visits range from 8-10 a month.

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