AB Tile & Granite en Fort Worth

Estados UnidosAB Tile & Granite



🕗 horarios

8553, North Beach Street, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-333-7149
sitio web: www.abtilengranite.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8953815, Longitude: -97.2902501

comentarios 5

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    Bryce Klein


    Arturo was very nice and helpful. He was upfront with pricing and scheduling was a breeze. Installation was smooth, and he was neat and clean. I will DEFINITELY use him on my next project (which is in a few months).

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    Sherri Franklin


    Arturo did a fantastic job - from the first estimate to the final product, he was professional, prompt, friendly and did whatever was needed to complete the project on time and to our satisfaction. He offered great recommendations make sure our countertops were exactly what we wanted - and they are! We plan on using his services for our bathroom remodels as well.

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    Dianne D


    I had granite repairs and re-grout of seam at back splash. Polished and repaired chips Fantastic work. Flawless. Like new. No pressure. Good price. Great work.

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    Joan Adams


    Superb job, my kitchen granite is GORGEOUS and VERY fair prices for this senior widow! Work and prices as quoted. Arturo is a man of integrity and honors his word making sure I was happy with all...they cleaned up after their work too. I'd give 10 stars if you had them.

  • Amit Patel

    Amit Patel


    Arturo did an excellent job redoing edges of our kitchen granite counter tops. He was professional and took great care of our hardwood floors (from entrance to kitchen) to avoid any mess or accidental scratches while completing his work. He is very meticulous and ensured that everything was done to our satisfaction. Great quality work and customer service. I would highly recommend him!!!!

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