AAMCO Transmissions & Total Car Care en Clifton

Estados UnidosAAMCO Transmissions & Total Car Care



🕗 horarios

1639, Main Avenue, 07011, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-528-7126
sitio web: www.aamcocliftonnj.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8886141, Longitude: -74.1540275

comentarios 5

  • Angelica Fusco

    Angelica Fusco


    If I could give no stars I absolutely would! My husband went there originally to check the transmission, which AAMCO deemed completely fine. A transmission fluid change was done. Also, we told AAMCO that there was a power steering fluid leak but apparently they "found the leak." When the power steering lines were being put in, they said it was a tight fit. Once the power steering lines were done, everything else went SOUTH! The car broke down doing 70 MPH on the highway, alternator went, ball joint (which was brand new, not from AAMCO) broke, and while fixing everything that had gone wrong, the power steering lines were found in my SUV's fan! This place is 100% a rip off and a bunch of liars. Because of them, I had to go out and lease a brand new car that I should have got to begin with. A $200 problem turned into a $6,000 fix.

  • donovan d sanchez

    donovan d sanchez


    Very friendly and helpful staff. Stop by even if is just to test or diagnose your car. They do it for free.

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    Jose Gonzalez


    Amjad and his team are the best, needed transmission fixed without appointment he found time for me, greatful

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    Eddie Ramirez


    No stars. I called at first telling them my problem because i got my car diagnosed twice at autozone and my friend. They told me 1600 then once i give in my car they diagnosed again and called and told me 2800 or 3000 depending on warranty. They told me my check engine light was not on when i got there however it was i even have video proof of me going there before right outside the place with my light on. So i ended up paying for a diagnosis when i never even wanted one just to get my car back. DONT GO HERE BAD PLACE, SEVICE , PEOPLE AND NO HELP and straight up liars saying i knee they were ginna charge me noone told me nothing becasue i knew the problem already anyways i ended up paying 100 to tell me something i already knew. Waste of money and time just payed because i aint broke. Treat you like you dont know what your talking about dont get here straight scam.

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    Dareen abdel


    I couldn't be any happier with my experience. The price was right and the service was great. Would highly recommend them.

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