Aaina Eyebrow Threading i Carle Place

Forenede StaterAaina Eyebrow Threading



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347, Old Country Road, 11514, Carle Place, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-240-6933
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Latitude: 40.7451197, Longitude: -73.6058668

kommentar 5

  • Olanike Otegbade

    Olanike Otegbade


    I got my eyebrows done and the lady cut me to the point I was bleeding. She did not even tell me I was bleeding pretended everything was OK until I looked in the mirror and saw blood. When I asked her what happened she said I had sensitive skin (which I do not have) and my skin ripped off.

  • Luisanna Contreras-Tovar

    Luisanna Contreras-Tovar


    Quick, great price, no complaints after 1 year of patronage .

  • Haitian Bella

    Haitian Bella



  • Di Ana

    Di Ana


    On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday they have a deal for eyebrow threading for $4.99. If you're using a card to pay the minimum is $10. Pretty much all the ladies there are great except one, who I like to avoid because she tries to get you to add more services by insulting you and making you insecure that in a way pushes you to add services. Most people avoid her from what I noticed as well, she's the one who mumbles in high pitches, she doesn't really do a good job either, my eyebrows end up noticeably uneven or too thin from her attempts to fix her initial mistake (happened 2x). But anyone else does an AMAZING job!

  • en

    Jennefar Qazi


    I definitely needed to get my eyebrows done and some waxing on my face and couldn't make it out to queens so I wanted to try this place since I was nearby and desperate. Although she was nice and did not hurt me or cut me while threading I did not like the fact the other woman told me full face costs 25 and after I was done said no 30 and sensitive wax is 35. It costs 18 in queens. But it is long island.

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