A Team Services w South Amboy

Stany ZjednoczoneA Team Services



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2069, New Jersey 35, 08879, South Amboy, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-952-5589
strona internetowej: ateamnj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4701782, Longitude: -74.2842933

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ray Garrity


    Expertise, professionalism and fast response is what I was greeted with when I called A Team for a plumbing system emergency. Highly recommended and will definetly be using them again should I need them in the future. Thank you!

  • en

    maureen farrell


    Had a new wall mounted gas heater installed today. I had a first thing in the morning appt., and true to their word, John appeared at my door. In just about an hour he had removed the old and installed the new. John did a great job in a friendly and courteous way and left the area cleaner than when he arrived. Recommend them for your job!

  • en

    Patricia Buckney


    The worst nightmare to a homer happened to me 24 hours ago. I was looking out the door and noticed water in the curb. I walked outside my neighbor was out at the same time . He showed me the water was moving and where it was coming from . It wasn't someone who washed their car it was my pipe broken . That's when the nightmare began "who do I call ??" My landscaper just went through the same situation . He put a call into the company "A TEAM." Brian Burlew was at the house immediately . Brian took control of the situation and put me at ease . Brian said I'd be up and running so don't worry .what a major relief . . Brian and his crew were taking care of the problem . 24 hours later problem was corrected. Brian and his crew are very caring and very professional . The company's name "A TEAM" is exactly what they are . I give thanks to the Lord for bringing excellent people into my life . Thank you "A TEAM" Sincerely Patricia Buckney

  • en

    David Moran


    A team solved my all my plumbing problems quickly and at a great price! I would recommend them to my family and anyone that wants the job done right the first time! TOP NOTCH, thank you!

  • Lauren Puk

    Lauren Puk


    Everyone knows that sinking feeling when you think or know you have to get a leak fixed. However, A-Team rocks - reliable, fair, timely, family owned and operated – everything you’d want! They’ve officially won my business for the rest of my life.

najbliższy Hydraulik

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