A & R Alignment and Auto Repair i Commack

Forenede StaterA & R Alignment and Auto Repair



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6077, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-499-1994
internet side: www.aralignment.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8418532, Longitude: -73.3056742

kommentar 5

  • Floist Gemar

    Floist Gemar


    WOW! In today’s digital day-of-age I rarely find a company that gets real customer service right as well as Alignment and Auto Repair does. I mean, these guys are AMAZING! They are so helpful and friendly whenever I need help of any kind. When I call or email, they answer or get back with me quickly. They’re always in a great mood, happy, and it’s honestly contagious! I’ve bought so many products and services from companies that just don’t do what they say they’ll do. But with Alignment and Auto Repair, that’s just not the case. From the beginning of our relationship they have delivered time and time again. And, they continue to do EXACTLY what they say they will do. Their service is amazing, my results have been above what I expected, and I can’t think of anything they could do to make my experience better. HIGHLY recommend!




    My favorite new place! Everyone is extremely welcoming and honest. My car broke down and I googled a reliable shop in the area. A&R auto repair was at the top of the list with the best reviews. I called them, towed my car in and a day later it was fixed. I will keep going to them from now on. They are amazing!

  • Dylan Holt

    Dylan Holt


    Honestly the best people I’ve ever gone to. They really care and put in the time to get into the servicing. They don’t just do the task they need to and they go beyond to make sure not just the task is done but that your whole car is done and cared for. They make me feel safe in my own car which everyone should. If you’re looking for a car care place to use I recommend you use them for the best results.

  • Joey Acquaviva

    Joey Acquaviva


    The guys at A&R Alignment are simply the best! Before purchasing a used vehicle, I brought it to A&R and they gave me an honest, trustworthy opinion and helped make my purchase much easier! Ever since then they have ALWAYS gone above and beyond in their customer service to assist me with my car. Any time I needed things such as a major repair, tune up, oil change or inspection, they have always been very accommodating. They have not only provided this incredible service to me, but my entire family, and all my friends who need work with their vehicle. Thanks for everything A&R!

  • en

    Samantha Gershon


    What an amazing experience!!!! I came in for an oil change, and was in and out of there in 20 minutes!!! The entire staff was such a pleasure to work with so so kind!!! They are also in the perfect location! They are right next-door to Subway, where they give you a pass to get a free cup of coffee while you're waiting for your service to be done!! I do not have enough great things to say!!! I will now never go anywhere else!! Thank you so much A & R Alignment!

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