A-MAX Auto Insurance w North Richland Hills

Stany ZjednoczoneA-MAX Auto Insurance



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5352, Rufe Snow Drive, 76180, North Richland Hills, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-485-1000
strona internetowej: www.amaxinsurance.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8467586, Longitude: -97.2382684

komentarze 5

  • en

    Karina Munoz


    Stopped by this location to receive an insurance quote for my vehicles. The two ladies at the front were very nice and helpful, they both greeted me very kindly and helped me get the lowest price they could find. I recommend this location to all of my family members, everyone is very polite, also THEY SPEAK SPANISH ( very convenient)

  • en

    Lester champion


    If I could give them no stars I would. Went in to the office we with my daughter on 04-21-18 around 1:30pm. One girl just sitting at her computer and the other on the phone. They said have a set we will be with you in a moment. After 10 minutes of them answering phone calls we got up and left.

  • en

    valarie mccorkle


    I have been dealing with Amax for a while they always have different staff but finally Emily came in shes really sweet and helpful she is the only one i deal with. The other lady that works there I think she is the Manager but she does absolutely nothing. Every since i been dealing with this company she will make you sit and wait and she wont be doing nothing until one of the other girls are done. I really don't think she should be working there..

  • en

    James Brandon


    Liliana and Emily gave great service, very on point. I would advise if your looking for insurance they can make it happen.

  • en

    Kris Guajardo


    The people in this place are wonderful and so nice. They are very helpful and did what they could to find what I needed.

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