A & B Collision South en New York

Estados UnidosA & B Collision South



🕗 horarios

231, Veterans Road West, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-0063
sitio web: www.ab-collision.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.554863, Longitude: -74.214802

comentarios 5

  • Sanjeev Santhanam

    Sanjeev Santhanam


    Unbelievable customer service. My sister and I were treated with atmost respect. Came here as i was refused service by a nearby shop. The owner understood that i was from PA and diagonosed my car with lack of engin coolant within 45 mins. Gave me agallon of coolant for free and gave me a quote to fix my issue as well. Very happy with the service. Would highly recommend this place.

  • Dominick Puma

    Dominick Puma


    Excellent Customer Service as well as repairs! Top Quality work and customers are treated with respect form all staff members! A pleasant experience with A & B!!!

  • en

    Teachertime 84


    This place was excellent.. great turn around time on my vehicle and they even touched up some minor scratches I had.. the woman at the front were so nice and Gary was very helpful.

  • en

    Tom Fread


    Could not have been more professional. Gary and his staff were straight forward, took time to explain everything and the finished product was perfect. Will refer friends and family with confidence.

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    1171 cookie


    All staff is nice. My car fixed perfectly, at a reasonable price and time. So happy to see my car nice and clean as a new car after fixing. The one I trust in Staten Island. Gary is the best, patient and helpful. Highly recommended.

Reparación de autos más cercano

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