A-1 Self Storage w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneA-1 Self Storage



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2235, Pacific Highway, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 619-450-2417
strona internetowej: www.a1storage.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7271671, Longitude: -117.1721345

komentarze 5

  • Robert Yunk

    Robert Yunk


    This facility was extraordinarily accommodating. Our plans changed causing a delay in our storage needs. They graciously extended the reservation to match our needs. Every conversation and every email was handled with friendly yet professional communication. I dealt with three different agents and all of them were kind, informative and professional. Great place and I was totally comfortable dropping all three of my vehicles there for the next 5 months

  • Alan Gainer

    Alan Gainer


    Everything was perfect. Checking in was easy. Everyone was super nice. Got the car back in the exact condition I left it in. I couldn’t be happier. Thank you A-1. Self Storage.

  • Steve Novak

    Steve Novak


    Not my first time using them and definitely won't be the last. Special shout-out for Justin - customer service champ. Much appreciated.

  • en

    Bud Carbonaro


    Good and convenient to downtown...very clean and recommended..couple of things maneuvering a truck over 15 ft is tough and the elevator doors are quick to close so be ready..

  • Anthony Piccoli

    Anthony Piccoli


    I am giving two stars since the facilities are very nice. It is aways clean and there is plenty of light. Their hours are very nice as well. My issue was we had a 6x10 unit and it was not 6x10. It was more 4.5x9. The length was exactly 9 and the width was 4.5 since there was a beam preventing you from going directly against the wall. Even without the bean it was 5.5. Then raising prices after a few months made it worse. I switched to another company and even those the place is as nice and pretty as A1, I am paying $8 less for a 10x10 space that is actually 10x10.

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