A-1 Laundry en New York

Estados UnidosA-1 Laundry



🕗 horarios

150, Greaves Lane, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-1314
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5540356, Longitude: -74.1428261

comentarios 5

  • Jennifer Winwood

    Jennifer Winwood


    Super friendly

  • en

    Amanda Petrik


    I love a1 laundrey.... its better then any laundromat on the island its very clean ....ive been coming here for years...friendly staff...any problems that i addressed the owners were very respectful and accomadated me i give them 5 stars....i recommend this laundromat to wash clothes

  • Michael Moutos

    Michael Moutos


    Just moved back into s.i ,and I'm very happy I found this laundry mat! Very clean shop and professional employee! Special thanks to Terri! Keep up the good work! I'm here to change my 5 star review to a 1 star ! I dropped my laundry off and Terri was not working that day , so I dropped it off with these 2 women who were working at the time ,one young girl and one older one, when I went to go pick up my laundry the 2 woman who were working there were outside sitting on the floor smoking cigarettes, and I walked right by them waiting to be helped inside , not to mention that my newborns baby clothes were just washed with there employees smoking then touching my babys clothes?! On top of that ,when I got home ,my clothes and towels and what not smelt like water and not one drop of detergent or fabric softener was used ! And I gave them a tip ! If Terri is not working that day then I will no way ever drop my laundry off there ever again ! Or I will just find somewhere else to go !




    WORST SERVICE EVER ! I have brought my clothes here all of two times. The first time my soaps went missing, and i had other people's clothes in my bag. the second time i decided to give it another chance. My sneakers were melted from the dryer & a sole missing. the woman named terry who works here is downright rude. she insults other patrons, always has an attitude & even accused me of threatening her when i asked for reimbursement. NEVER RETURNING HERE AGAIN!

  • en

    Amelia Lapera


    LOVE This laundromat. They are very clean and the staff is wonderful. Would recommend to everyone. Pricing is very competitive as well.

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