911 Uniforms i Poughkeepsie

Forenede Stater911 Uniforms



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300, Main Street, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-473-9111
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7032229, Longitude: -73.9271051

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mayor Mike


    IF they are open and that is a very strong if, you better know exactly what you're looking for when going in there. It is hit or Miss either really great quality equipment or trash. The customer service is also on the fence. Although they are not falling over to greet you and actually be helpful they do have an extensive knowledge of the products they carry and can tailor a uniform to your exact specifications. Prices are fair.

  • Stephen Quick

    Stephen Quick


    There aren’t too many uniform shops that you can buy uniforms and have them tailored right on the spot. While their inventory isn’t as big as Gall’s, they can still order what you need. I will use them as exclusively as possible. Support small businesses!

  • Dellia Brown

    Dellia Brown


    Great place to buy and get chevrons sewn on . Prices are great . The lady that works there is very freindly.

  • Matyi N

    Matyi N


    Always ready to keep you as a happy customer. Never had an issue with any purchase.

  • en



    The old lady behind the counter is rude and extremely unprofessional. You are better off taking a drive to BROTHERS IN THE BRONX.

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