7-Eleven i Chicago

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede Stater7-Eleven



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801, South State Street, 60605, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 312-583-1173
internet side: www.7-eleven.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.8716769, Longitude: -87.6272856

kommentar 5

  • Jamie Roberts

    Jamie Roberts


    I wish I had everyone else's experience with this 7 eleven. Well stocked yes, awful service. They had no clue what was on sale and what wasn't. Several times rang up the wrong price and had to correct them that they made a mistake. Instead of taking my word for it, each time had to go check. One of the items had been on sale, but sale date was passed, even though they still had the sign visible in front of the product. Clerk tried not to give me the sale price for the item. I don't know about people from chicago, but that is false advertisement in the rest of America boys and girls and ripe for a lawsuit against 7 eleven. If you do decide to use this establishment for your purchases, make sure you watch the prices they ring up because they clearly are not.

  • Jhoana Castellano

    Jhoana Castellano


    Well stocked, friendly employees, recommended!

  • Bala Srinivasan

    Bala Srinivasan


    Good service and we'll stocked.

  • Lucy Waters

    Lucy Waters


    Small but decent

  • Jephthah Woods

    Jephthah Woods


    Just like all other location fast and simple

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