5th Street Ace Hardware i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede Stater5th Street Ace Hardware



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1055, 5th Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-682-4570
internet side: www.acehardwaredc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9032192, Longitude: -77.0186357

kommentar 5

  • Andrei Ponze

    Andrei Ponze


    bought my aloe here great friendly staff! Huge department upstairs!

  • James Baron Blackwell

    James Baron Blackwell


    5 Star Service! Lawrence is the man! I knew nothing about what I needed and he made sure I was well taken care of!

  • Tina Khiani

    Tina Khiani


    The staff here is probably the nicest, most helpful staff I've ever encountered anywhere. They offer so many products as well as a variety of services (I came here to rent a drill and get key copies made).

  • Carson Hale

    Carson Hale


    Great hardware store! Lawrence was especially helpful in locating and directing me exactly to the right tiny piece of hardware I needed and with my entire shopping list.

  • Jesse Thomas

    Jesse Thomas


    I brought my bread knives and serrated knives in a bunch of knives to be sharpened. I told this to the dude that does the sharpening... he seemed to know what he was doing, but when I look at the knives the bread knives are no longer serrated.. if serrated knives can't be sharpened by this machine then he should of told me that? What an odd experience.

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